Saturday, October 17, 2009

Down on the Farm

Day 3


We accidentally slept in late, and didn’t get up until about 8:45 am. We knew Tori had to leave for work at about 7 that day, so we didn’t get to say bye to her. And naturally being on a farm, Mark and Molly had been up for hours. I could see that by 9am, the time I wandered into the kitchen, they had made and eaten breakfast. They had also made muffins and gathered some fruit from the garden, or fridge, not sure which, cut it up all nice, and left it out for us to eat. Mark was out mowing the yard, and Molly was drinking coffee and working in the den. She said we’d have to make fresh coffee because that pot was already cold. Damn they DID get up early! We showered and got ready, and then I wanted to go take a few pics of the barnyard and pens. I was just going to snap some pics through the fence, but molly said we should go in the pens. 1st we went into see the poultry. 
I never knew there were so many kinds of chickens. Some were regular ones, but others were black and white, and others had long feathers on their heads that flopped around when they ran about. They looked like lil rockers bangin’ their heads to some heavy metal!
We all got to hold this one chicken that was a bit tamer than the rest. Their grand-daughter had spent some time with them and taken a liking to that one. She used to play with it and fed it blueberries. So it had not only gotten spoiled but quite docile as well. He was all black and had the longer feathers on his head and they fell down covering his jet black eyes.

Mollie found a passionflower growing in the pen and picked it for me. They are just such beautiful, unique flowers. I had no idea they grew in the US. I always thought they were so tropical, and could only be found in the jungles of Costa Rica or something. We also spent time in with the goats and sheep. There were two kids in there that were about a week or so old and we got to play with and hold them.

They were soooo cute, and would bleat for their mother who would come over in a huff to make sure they were ok. The big billy-goat had a longer goatee than Daddy’s and they had some fun sticking their tongues out at each other. He was a bit more standoffish and with those big horns we didn’t dare attempt to force him to get in a picture with us. Then there were the sheep. The sheep were a freakin’ riot! They just loved to be scratched and would loll their heads back and forth, roll their eyes and stick their tongues out. Not unlike a dog whose leg shakes when you rub him in just the right spot.
Next we went to the pig pen. These were some BIG pigs, and we were not about to go in the pen with them. They were rowdy, running around and bashing each others’ rumps with their snouts. But we got some cute pics of them through the slats in the pen. So what was originally going to be another morning of getting ready and hitting the road, turned into a glorious morning down on the farm. It was soooooo refreshing and enjoyable to just walk through the wet grass with a hot cup of coffee on a chilly morning and play with the animals.

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