Friday, November 13, 2009

Pinstripers and Sex Shops


We are on our way to Surf City, NC to have linner (lunch and dinner) with some of Daddy’s friends that he met recently at the Hot Rod show he had photographed in Syracuse, NY. They are largely responsible for putting together the panel jams (where a bunch of pro pinstripers get together and each take turns laying lines on a panel that is later auctioned off) that raise money for a non-profit organization helping battered children in the area called the McMahon house. He also hosts an annual event as part of the show, called Arties Party, where all the top talents in the pinstriping biz can get together to share ideas or to meet up with old friends. Linda, Artie and Daddy had hit it off really well at the show and he wanted them to meet Seamus and me. Artie had told us a better way to get to his place, other than the main road which he knew would be congested, especially at this time of day. Well, we missed the turn-off, so we ended up following the GPS route anyway. It was one of those great southern strips of road for tourists where the stores’ pattern was as follows: Firework shop, mini-golf, seafood restaurant, sex shop, supersized swim/beach store, sex shop, mini-golf, other restaurant, sex shop, mini-golf, repeat.

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